I wrote the first page of the part of the book about Bloehm and the words just flowed, and a voice was created. It's important I think that I work on the two narrative simultaneously because it's essential that I make their voices and viewpoints distinctive, and that I coordinate the action. Bloehm and Havel share the curse of being Misabled: he can teleport others, and perhaps himself, she can fly, though neither knows the extent of their ability or how to exercise it at the beginning. It is thus potentially dangerous to themselves and others. As Misabled, they are subject to apprehension by the Bounty Hunters (Polyovniky). What I hope is that the juxtaposition/alternation of these two converging narratives will provide impetus for the story, keep the "romance" alive even during the long separation of the characters, and also provide some suspense because each narrative can be left "on the brink" to pick up the other. The first section of Havel's Bridge leaves him on the river, nearly in the clutches of the Polyovniky. The story then moves to Bloem, and her first section leaves her also apprehended by authority figures. I've a good deal more to do to fill out the story for that one: now I have only a shape. Given my own anti-authority bent, it is probably inevitable that my main characters will find themselves in conflict with the powers-that-be. I want to have some parallelism between the two stories, but I will try to avoid mirror images.
The process of writing -- aside from its vulnerability to being pre-empted by work and other stuff, like our taxes -- jumps for me from one things to another. I am finding it very important to write the actual prose before all the world-building and planning is done, but then to stop the writing to resume world-building and planning. When just writing, I imagine a world more fully that when I focus on the task of just imagining a world, or a character. But then, I find myself in corners and not quite knowing where I am going, so it's necessary to go back to laying foundations and roughing out some walls and doors and windows.
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